37 Manchester St, Christchurch, New Zealand. 03 374 6000

190 Gloss Medium 17ml

190 Gloss Medium 17ml
  • Brand: Vallejo
  • Product Code: VAL 70470
  • Availability: In Stock
  • NZ$5.90

ACRYLIC GLOSS MEDIUM Gloss Medium extends the colors, increases their brilliance, their fluidity and transparence, and softens the blending of brushstrokes. It heightens the flexibility of the colors, and their adhesion to the surface. It is the perfect medium for glazes. Does not yellow or change tonality of the color. Can also be used as a binder for dry pigment. Characteristics: Acrylic Medium has a milky appearance, but dries totally transparent and glossy. Application: With a brush, in fine layers, or mixed with the colors. Packaging: In 17ml. Bottle