37 Manchester St, Christchurch, New Zealand. 03 374 6000

HO Otis Coal Company

HO Otis Coal Company
  • NZ$79.90

Private coal companies like this were found along spur lines throughout the United Slates. Such facilities served as the link between the long coal trains and the consumer. Trackside Scenes are designed specifically for the modeler who wants the utmost in fine quality craftsmanship, intricate detail and authenticity. These kits are probably different than any you have previously constructed. These are not simply models of a single item, but of a complete scene. Each HO scale kit contains over 70 highly-detailed pieces. Includes Trees, Turf, Foliage and all the accessories necessary to complete a scene covering up to 200 square inches. Paint with our Mini-Scenes Paint Set (M125, with 12 assorted colors). Any layout will benefit from the addition of one or more of these scenes.